Monday, September 13, 2010

Four More Pages of My Journal!


 These are my next four pages.For those that asked it really isn't hard to do Zetti pages or a Journal. I start with An Acrylic or Watercolored page,Use golden's Acrylics and water down ,don't use some of the cheap paints They won't take sharpies !Make some colorful paper strips,you can use left overs,cut some from Magazines,paint some,Mix and match! Use some Black and white checks,stripes or others as they  give great contrast,it is so important to add to your page!
 Etsy has many artist selling collage sheets,some specializing in Zetti,or you can Photoshop and re-color old photos.You can cut faces ect. from Magazines,but make sure you alter them lots!I use my laser printer as there is no printing to show through the back like A magazine,I just scan and print out the pic.The fun of Zetti is putting large head on small bodies,or animal head with human Bodies or opposite.I usually lay out my pieces and decide how I like them before I glue them down!Lettering is the hardest thing for me because my hand writing sucks!lol!I challenge you all to try this if you never have!Post a link here if and when you do,I would love to see your pages!I have learned a lot from some really fantastic Zetti Artist on A private trade sight,and am still learning!Check out some of my favorite links!