Ron is doing real well so far considering surgery was about 3 hours longer then they planned,they had to graft some bone to his hip,which is cabled wrapped,he had to have a couple units of blood,also.He tested positive on his nasal swab for MRSA,although it is not active,and because the surgery took so long the consultation was over the phone,so I really didn't get to talk one on one with the doctors,I still haven't,as they come in the morning!It is a 50 mile trip down there and I don't drive in Omaha,so my youngest daughter and I went today,and my parents took me Thurs.Anyway I was freaking over the MRSA and was asking the nurse what they were doing to take care of it ,she didn't know much,but the doc's told Ron it wasn't active so they didn't need to give any harsh antibiotics at this time.Yes it was an ordeal so far ,but as soon as his plumbing starts to work he can come home!He was already joking when we first seen him,but looked so much better today!Thank you for those that kept us in your thoughts and prayers!I really appreciate it!